Ever since I saw pics of philippe grosjean's drop-off reefI've wanted something like it, I however don't have much space. Last August, I decided I'd make a nano version of it out and took to Google SketchUp to design one. It ended up being between 10 and 15 gallons and has a RO reservoir box inside of about 2-3 gallons. Here's a pic once I finished the design:
Once I had that finished I went and got some acrylic that was cut to my dimensions. Building it was pretty easy, it was just very time consuming to scrape all the edges so that they were smooth-ish. I didn't get any pics of the build process, but here's some pics of when i finished it:
Here's after it was painted
That was all done last August. For the months since its just been sitting around in the way. Last month I decided I was ready to set it up. I put new super fine sand in it and live rock and water from where I work, zoanthids.com. The two main pieces in the tank are Vida Rock from Cerameco, so hopefully it becomes live soon. For now i have random pieces of regular live rock in the back overflow and behind the arch. Here it is at that point: