In a current state of emergency with my tank. Came home to water over the floor. Nice reef, dont have the means to salvage. Trying to keep it alive. PM me
Hey guys got this regal tang about a week ago it’s been doing very well eating and swimming until a few hours before. I upgraded my filter and added the filter floss from the other one and my ammonia is 0 he did eat a bit of food but not as much as usual. Please help it’s a very beautiful fish...
Hi guys,
Emergency, found my nem expelling this brown stuff?? It’s undergoing cipro in my display (not ideal i know), as im a lil concerned about it. Any idea what this is???
Terrible brook outbreak ( from my diagnosis) wiped out my tank ‘ I have a Waterbox 130.4 mixed reef and it took out 9 fish ! Including my yellow tang , hippo , clowns , wrasses , sleeper head .. etc .
I have 2 surviving fish . My 6 year old purple tang and my year old yellow watchman . They...
Hi I added these clowns in my tank about a week ago I’ve had a yellow watchman in there for about a month nothing wrong. All my water is pretty perfect. They are acting perfectly fine nothing unusual. They’re eating like normal, but one of them has these little bump looking things. Idk if it’s...
Long story short. Last night the pump died and took out the power with it. When it was turned back on, something in the pump blew. Now I have motor oil from the pump in the sump. Not sure about the main display.
I’ve used a shop vac to take out what I can but I’m still worried about the tank...
I visited my dad and saw that his blue tang in his fish tank looked sick. It looked to me like it could be marine velvet but there was also just a general deceleration of the fish and didn’t know if there was another issue with it. I advised him to take it out of the tank to keep the other fish...
Hi all, need some urgent advice. My mandarin dragonet I’ve raised from when he was a baby is extremely messed up right now. His breathing is slow, all his fins are damaged, and he has these visible white patches all over. I have him in a new bare bottom tank right now, what does everyone...
So, we’ve been caught in hurricane Helene since Friday. I finally have a little cell internet. TLDR; we now have some generator gas and have restarted flow after 3 days on a 200 gallon tank. We’re looking at at least a week total and gas is still limited. What factors do I need to consider...
First I have to say thank god this popped up in my quarantine tank! but now a heavier hand of treatment is going to be needed. I picked up a clown tang and a good size Copper band butterfly from my LFS on Saturday. Both fish looked very healthy and the Copperband I even observed eating at my...
Hi everyone,
I bought a Nearpow timer outlet for my Plank autofeeder yesterday, but apparently I programmed it incorrectly. It stayed on for 40 minutes instead of the intended 18 seconds, feeding a mix of Reef Jerky and Reef Roids. I installed the autofeeder in the return section of my sump, so...
Hi all,
So got 2 small clowns (+-3cm) about a week ago and added to my tank (+-2 months old).
Tldr: the one clown (black one & bigger of the two) isn't eating... It did have long white poop a couple of days after adding it. Now it's looking thin and lazy - gills seem to be a bit flaired!?
So two days ago I found my female clown on the floor and my male in the rear filtration chamber on my tank. It was obviously too late for my female but I put my male back in the display tank and even though he was clearly looking for her all day which breaks my heart he was physically fine. That...
(I really apologize for reposting this, but I really need help ASAP.)
I am looking for assistance in identifying this disease that had unfortunately taken one of my clownfish. The clownfish was perfectly fine for over a week after I had picked it up from my LFS. Today I look at my tank...
I have a 10 gallon tank, and my aquaclear 20's motor just died, how do I keep them alive until I can get a new filter?
I have a n.wennerae mantis shrimp, a turbo snail, and two clownfish.
I stg,
I know there is a learning curve, but I feel like I run into something new every day.
I have a watchman goby, been in the tank about a month that I just noticed yesterday has slightly cloudy eyes. Per recommendation, I did a 5 minute freshwater dip to check for flukes & other...
Hi all,
I am quarantining my fishes, first did 14 days of cuppramine for any ich or velvet, but there was no sign of it. But at the of this cycle I noticed flukes on all fishes, did fw dip and it was confirmed.
I have read that prazi pro is best medi but in India it is not available. I only...
Hi all,
I am quarantining my fishes, first did 14 days of cuppramine for any ich or velvet, but there was no sign of it. But at the end of this cycle I noticed flukes on all fishes, did fw dip and it was confirmed.
I have read that prazi pro is best medi but in India it is not available. I only...
I bought this green scoly coral for 40$. Any info on how to get it back healthy? It’s place in the sand bed with medium flow(not direct) and low light.
Hello, about a week ago my lionfish had cloudy eyes and looked a stressed, so I went to my LFS and asked for their help. They said it looked like a fungal infection and recommended me Melafix and told me to dose it daily for 6 days and do a 25% water change on the 7th. it is the sixth day and...
I was just putting my Radion back on the tank after wiping the salt creep from under it when I heard a crack and its chipped at the top, do I use superglue, reef glue, or silicone to put this piece back in place? It doesn’t have to be the prettiest because it’s under where the light mount goes.
Hi yesterday I got a healthy looking gsp at my lfs yesterday and it opened up a little but today it hasn't opened up at all is it ok ? I'm not too knowledgeable on corals since I only kept two zoas before so please help.