yellow watchman goby

  1. A

    Yellow Watchman and Royal Gamma Issues

    I have a 1.5 year old 16 gallon mixed reef tank. I have read several threads talking about royal gamma aggression and that it normally calms down. My question is where do I draw the line? I recently added a yellow watchman and the royal gamma has really been going after him. The watchman seems...
  2. Tnops

    New Tiger Pistol Shrimp Attacking Yellow Watchmen Goby!

    Hello, I recently introduced a tiger pistol shrimp to a 75 gallon tank with a small yellow watchman goby already in it. They seemed to have paired on day 1 but the goby is now constantly out of the hole. I have noticed new fresh bruises today and later noticed that when the goby got close to the...
  3. Lebski

    25g long stocking ideas

    Hi there, I have just started my 25g long nano reef tank. The tank has cycled for 2 and a half months and water quality is great and I have just added a small yellow watchman goby. 1 purple firefish. 1 forestfire branching montipora frag and an encrusting Hollywood stunner frag. (The coral frags...
  4. Beaker1811

    Proper substrate for YWG/pistol shrimp

    I currently have a sand bed of about 3” of CaribSea Fiji Pink. I am about to add a Yellow Watchman Goby / Pistol shrimp pair and I’m worried that this won’t be substantial enough for them to make their burrows with. Any advice on what I could add and how I might go about mixing it into an...
  5. tailoftwogobies

    drop a photo..

    hi everyone! figured this would be fun, randomly drop the last photo you took of your tank and write a short description of what / why you took that photo. here’s our ‘baby watchman’ after two days of ‘hiding.’ lol
  6. ajtomase

    Watchman goby question

    Has anyone experienced a watchman goby burying themselves in a part of the tank where you can't see them? I'm thinking about one being one of the first fish in my tank, but I'm worried they'll end up in a tank I won't be able to seem them (especially paired with a pistol shrimp).
  7. jackalexander

    Final Fish Choices

    Looking for a final fish to add into my 65g 4ft and thought of a smaller tang like kole tangs and bristoletooth tangs. I really want a yellow eye kole tang but it seems like they were affected by the Hawaii ban. Any suggestions? (Price Range: $50-120) I have: 2 clowns YWG Melanurus Longnose Hawk
  8. E

    Yellow watchman goby suddenly looks sick

    So I just saw my YWG 2-3!days ago his belly looked full due to eating pods and his color was bright yellow then he hid for a few days and I see him today and he looks imacitated and pale, I checked all parameters and they are fine, what could be wrong?
  9. jackalexander

    Fish Compatibility

    I want to know if these fish/inverts will all work out together in a 32 Gallon: 2 WW clownfish 1 YWG 1 Small Longnose Hawkfish 1 Midas blenny 1 Male Melanurus Wrasse 1 Large Cleaner Shrimp Basic CUC Mainly LPS coral/ some SPS
  10. 3

    Yellow watchman goby & tiger pistol disappeared?

    Wondering if anybody else with a paired goby/pistol shrimp has experienced this. We got a yellow watchman goby last Wednesday and put him in the tank with a tiger pistol at the same time. They hit it off within 30 min and paired. BFFs. Later that night, the shrimp took off and made a burrow with...
  11. jackalexander

    EMERGENCY YWG Looking Really Bad

    Currently treating my YWG for a bacterial infection with Metroplex. He’s been in the QT for about 2 weeks now and everything seemed to be going great until tonight. Got home to feed him and turned on the lights to see a zombie looking fish. Super pale, brown stripes across his back and a brown...
  12. jackalexander

    Yellow Watchman Bacterial Infection?

    So i’ve had this goby for about 4 months and probably a month ago, he began to develop a white scrape. I had assumed it was just a scrape because i saw it shortly after I had been moving my rocks around to catch a six line. A month later and it seems to be healing but still a reddish sore...
  13. jackalexander

    Bacterial Infection?

    So i’ve had this goby for about 4 months and probably a month ago, he began to develop a white scrape. I had assumed it was just a scrape because i saw it shortly after I had been moving my rocks around to catch a six line. A month later and it seems to be healing but still a reddish sore...
  14. Zoe’s Reef

    Is my YWG acting "normal"?

    So I brought home a Yellow Watchman Goby and Pistol Shrimp 4 days ago. The YWG came from one store, and the Pistol Shrimp came from another. I've been having a very hard time to find a pair at LFS around me, so when I found one of each I decided to go for it. I obviously want my YWG and shrimp...
  15. SaltyNewb850

    Watchman has a hole in mid body?

    Hello. Wanted some advice as to what I am looking at on my watchman goby. He has a small hole surrounded by his skin turning white. Didn't notice this 3 days ago. Checking water parameters frequently and all seem good. Only thing new added was a couple emerald crabs and a lawnmower blenny 5 days...
  16. D

    Untreated intestinal parasites heal on their own?

    Hi there, I have been reading more about fish diseases lately and I realize that, when I first got my Yellow Watchman Goby, she had an intestinal parasite. She had white stringy poop. It didn't last long and it has been several months now. Is there a possibility that it's just dormant and...
  17. IMG_20200712_181243.jpg


    Yellow Watchman Goby hanging out on the gyre pump.
  18. multsh

    Yellowhead Jawfish and Yellow Watchman Goby

    Hello there, I have a 40g reef tank with seahorses, a wheeler goby and YWG (captive bred). The 2 gobies actually live in the same burrow and are inseparable. Really interested in adding a Yellowhead Jawfish. Will there be any aggression? Thank you!
  19. Schwartzy

    Pistol Shrimp Cleaning Watchman Goby

    Okay guys, this is my first post so bear with me... I noticed something interesting in the tank tonight. I saw my yellow watchman goby hanging around the main burrow of my red banded pistol shrimp. This was moderately exciting because they haven't paired yet. (The goby has been hanging out on...
  20. N

    Yellow Watchman in rubble.

    So I currently have a 55g tank. It's almost 2 years old. I would like to get a yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp, but my concern is that I don't have sand in my tank. We currently have small rubble. We have had a variety of snails that seem to do ok with it, but does anyone know if the...
  21. ianryd

    Urgent! Does my goby look skinny?

    Yellow watchman goby, been in my DT for 2 months, was in QT for 1 month. I removed a leopard wrasse yesterday who looked skinny, and noticed the goby looked skinny too, so I pulled him today. The Leopard wrasse is in QT with Prazipro, but I dont think he's gonna make it. Right now the goby is in...
  22. mattybecks

    My new fish! tailspot blenny and yellow watchman goby

    The newest additions to my tank - the tailspot has got to be one of the best algae eaters I have ever come across.