Hello Everyone!
I got into the hobby about a year ago with my first tank (Red Sea 350) and learned quite a bit. After news from my wife that we were moving I did what any sensible reefer would do… Used it as an excuse to upgrade my tank. I’m super excited to start again due to having a lot more knowledge, experience, and more of a game plan to achieve my goals!
Now to the details!
Tank - Red Sea 750 G2+ (6x2x2) (Purchased due to time constraints having to leave the old place and needing to set up a tank asap)
200 total gallons about 160 display and 40 gal sump.
Lighting - 3XR30 will add more once I bring my corals back from my friend.
Heater - IM Helio 1000 Watt
Reefmat 1200
Pump - DC 9000 ReefRun
Wavemaker - 2 MP40s
Skimmer - DC 600 will upgrade later if needed. Upgraded to Akula Ultra Reef 200 UKs
Red Sea Doser
ZeoBak Reactor
Aqua UV 57
Plan on following the sunnyx method with all for reef, carbon dosing, and bacteria dosing!
Just ordered a custom lid from Top Lids.
Current stocking list:
Moorish Idol
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Naso Tang
Gem Tang
Achilles Tang
2 Wantanabe Angel
Flame Angel
Earmuff Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
3 Clownfish (regular and a black one
Banded Snake Eel
Royal Gramma
Midas Blenny
Starry Blenny
11 Lyretail Anthias
Diamond Goby
Achilles Tang
Snowflake Eel
Skeletor Eel
Golden Dwarf Moray
Moving the tank in was quite the task. I first added in extra reinforcement to the structure of the home, and created a more efficient RODI system due to the need for bigger sized water changes. All said and done I got the tank in and stand built within 3 hours and with the help of 5 guys!
The most stressful part of the move was transferring over my NSA aqua scape in a time efficient manner to not lose all the bacteria. Longest 30 hours of my life moving over all inhabitants and corals and tanking down my old tank but now we’re all done! Let the fun begin!
Tank Goals
Minimalist and modern SPS dominant mixed reef. A focus on stability, simplicity, consistent water changes, and most of all patience.
Looking forward to keeping everyone updated on my journey and hopefully passing on the knowledge I’ve received from this amazing platform!
I got into the hobby about a year ago with my first tank (Red Sea 350) and learned quite a bit. After news from my wife that we were moving I did what any sensible reefer would do… Used it as an excuse to upgrade my tank. I’m super excited to start again due to having a lot more knowledge, experience, and more of a game plan to achieve my goals!
Now to the details!
Tank - Red Sea 750 G2+ (6x2x2) (Purchased due to time constraints having to leave the old place and needing to set up a tank asap)
200 total gallons about 160 display and 40 gal sump.
Lighting - 3XR30 will add more once I bring my corals back from my friend.
Heater - IM Helio 1000 Watt
Reefmat 1200
Pump - DC 9000 ReefRun
Wavemaker - 2 MP40s
Skimmer - DC 600 will upgrade later if needed. Upgraded to Akula Ultra Reef 200 UKs
Red Sea Doser
ZeoBak Reactor
Aqua UV 57
Plan on following the sunnyx method with all for reef, carbon dosing, and bacteria dosing!
Just ordered a custom lid from Top Lids.
Current stocking list:
Moorish Idol
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Naso Tang
Gem Tang
Achilles Tang
2 Wantanabe Angel
Flame Angel
Earmuff Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Cleaner Wrasse
3 Clownfish (regular and a black one
Banded Snake Eel
Royal Gramma
Midas Blenny
Starry Blenny
11 Lyretail Anthias
Diamond Goby
Achilles Tang
Snowflake Eel
Skeletor Eel
Golden Dwarf Moray
Moving the tank in was quite the task. I first added in extra reinforcement to the structure of the home, and created a more efficient RODI system due to the need for bigger sized water changes. All said and done I got the tank in and stand built within 3 hours and with the help of 5 guys!
The most stressful part of the move was transferring over my NSA aqua scape in a time efficient manner to not lose all the bacteria. Longest 30 hours of my life moving over all inhabitants and corals and tanking down my old tank but now we’re all done! Let the fun begin!
Tank Goals
Minimalist and modern SPS dominant mixed reef. A focus on stability, simplicity, consistent water changes, and most of all patience.
Looking forward to keeping everyone updated on my journey and hopefully passing on the knowledge I’ve received from this amazing platform!
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