Urgh seriously.



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Great to see you out and about, you seem to be progressing rather quickly with your recovery, keep up the hard work Sarah, we are all rooting for you!!!! :D :D

Hey there,

Well I can stand but not very long at all with out support. Standing with support is still very hard. I was able to convince my dad to push me outside. It was raining and I love the rain so that was a good thing. I still can’t drive well don’t sven have a car anymore not sure I do though but it is just frustrating knowing I must depend on others. Boise’s transit is terrible so no help there. This may sound horrible but 90% of the cab drivers here are super creepy and I can’t exactly get away easily.

Pt and occupational therapy aka ot each is min 2 hours a day and I have home care also who help me shower (nurses), and cna who help me with like basic dishes laundry etc. they also the nurses check vitals, do blood draws, and we do med checks. The nurse I have is a nurse practitioner so it’s very nice that she is able to script and I don’t need to go see dr every time I have issues.

But it’s very hard, I have to totally start year two over, and if I am out more then a year then I have to do year one over also . Work has been great and they are gonna try and move me to where I can rotate in to family care. The program I’m in is being fairly cooperative but I just have been so out of it that I have to ask them to explain again the reasoning. They won’t let me work trauma center simply because well I can’t really move well. But I have enough paid time to last almost a full year. Yeah it’s just kinda what ever happens just happens.

it’s frustrating that I literally missed out on the best years of my life in junior high and high school and all I did was study to get ahead. Now being set back a potential three years (year to recover, year to re do second year residency and worse case first year residency), which makes me with three years lost makes me actually behind those who were just normal kids (I dont mean that as bad or harsh as it sounds but I tried so hard to be ahead and get done and finally enjoy life).

As I deeply care for my dear friends here, I do updates and pics but it’s honestly hard to smile. It takes effort most days not all the time. The two times in the rain was a good thing. But most days even with the meds I’m on I still have lots of pain from Shoulders to my ankles. I in my professional thought think I have a fracture vertebrae or pinched nerve (need more exams done), but it’s hard to locate because it’s the same pain level through out.


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Good morning, Sarah! Thank you for the update. Any progress is good at this point. You have a lot of stuff that needs to heal. I hate that you are having so much pain. I am sorry about your residency. The good thing is that you are still here to go through it again. At least it still pays good. A delay in life plans beats the end of life plans.

Lowell Lemon

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Sarah, Sorry to hear about the continued pain but you are healing and improving for sure! I have a good friend who teaches ED in Palm Springs not sure what school sends him residents but there are always connections that could be made for your education. By the way he used to keep reef and saltwater tanks...just saying he is one of us! Family practice is one area that needs good diagnosticians in today's world. Sorry for the delay but time is on your side young lady!

Wish you a reduced pain day with lots of prayers and positive thoughts headed your way!


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Hello friends,

Sorry week has been super hard and occupational therapy and physical therapy have been just super painful and exhausting but I managed to stand on my own for about five minutes. Working to strength my legs muscles again and working to being able to apply pressure. Stairs are super hard for me, and showers as well. So sorry I am quiet, just been hard week. So this is me right before pt, also showing the scar is healing finally and finally comfy pants that fit over my leg brace.
Also they let me warm back up in my super warm bath robe.

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She stands!!! Those physical torturers, I mean therapists, must be doing a great job!

Just wait until they have you hauling 5 gallon buckets of salt water up and down steps as part of your strengthening routine. :eek:

Keep up the great progress!


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Checking in to see how you are doing. The progress looks tremendous!! What I am see is pretty miraculous with your recovery. I am surprised that you are even walking at this point. ;Shamefullyembarrased


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Sorry It’s been awhile just been trying to heal and try and put myself back on my career path. Found out my legs are still broken but healing which is good. I have realized I will never get through air port security with my legs now. They want to go in and where you can see bone fragments either remove them or use smaller screws and secure them. Not looking fwd to any of that again.

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Oops forgot to update on my tank, well it’s hanging in there. I’m starting to have an out break of either gha or brown turf alage. Nitrates and phosphates are not showing high but that’s because the gha is consuming them. I have turned the lights done (well had the lfs do it for me), changed other items, added new phosphates pads. Most corals doing okay lost two more sps but lfs said probably because they allowed it to swing. They forgot to dose. They did say it’s very consistent and does not like swings at all. So they gave me two new sps to place. Been so exhausted and hurting that I lose motivation. However lol I can count on pt to be at my door at 8 am sharp. I have a new card person and well I have two I had two females now it’s one female and one male. He seems to think I’m in basic training, he told me to quite whining, I told him to sit outside for the next hour. At the end he made sure to ahhh say that he didn’t like me being lazy. It’s not that I’m lazy I literally can’t walk with out assistance and supports. Going up and down my stairs all day for the giggles is painful not to mention boring. But the good thing is they both get caught up in watching my tank. I enjoy the 15 min cat naps :). Some co workers came and took me to work, where they assisted me in getting around to shadow. Granted (I was not actually on duty or actually working), but they said they missed me. Those slick floors really have me worried. One of the nice house cleaners (clean the rooms after patients), said they would apply sand paper to what ever I use and on the bottom of my shoes. I love the idea but I can’t tie my own shoes it’s hard to bend my legs where I can. So it’s gonna be bunny slippers :).

I also lost my other Golden goby the second one lasted less than 24 hours and now I have some cyano starting. Definitely need another one here soon.


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So sorry on the losses. Its safe to say a high percentile of us have been there BUT we ALL Bounce back.
Goby loss is mysterious and for GHA, My fastest and best success with such battle has been Liquid Vibrant. It really does work. best news , is your tank is still in an enjoyable state and continues to offer reaxation.
You seem to gain strength each and every day. Make it your goal to be able to climb over the tank and do maintenance once agin.
So happy you got to visit works is that has to lift your spirits and place you up to date and what is going on since your absence.

Victoria M

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“What doesn't kill you makes you, makes you stronger”
I would like to smack the person who coined that phrase. But it is so true. Sarah, I am not sure if you saw on my thread that I went through a pretty rough time last January. Gosh in some ways it seems like yesterday because I’m still dealing with some of the problems, and other what day it seems like forever ago. Regarding the pain, pain can be debilitating emotionally and physically. It’s hard for other people who’ve never been through that kind of pain you’re experiencing (Especially the healthcare providers) to understand what you’re going through. They think they understand because they’ve seen it so many times. But they really don’t.
And believe it or not even though at this time you’re still being traumatized by your experience time truly does heal all pain. And one day you’ll look back and not even remember how bad it truly was. You will only remember when little things happen to remind you.
As I sit here reading your story and seeing your pictures I am reminded of what I went through. And my heart breaks for you because I do remember how hard it was, and how much it hurt. I can only say that with time you will get better.
Very recently, I realized that the feeling of hardware no longer bothers me as much as it used to, and it hurts less. I have included a few pictures for you in case you did not see them in my thread. The last is me on my ATV. I was afraid I would never ride again. But that is 5 months after surgery!
The girl who used a tonka truck me move a concrete pad under her dirty spider filled crawl space will triumph over pins screws and pain.

Lowell Lemon

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I talked to my friend in the ED department and he told me to send a referral letter when you are ready to resume residency if you like! Gave him a little of your story and he was very supportive of you! Always more than one path to your dreams! This guy is like family to me so I trust him a lot! Not sure you will need it though as your program seems to support you right now!

Wishing you all the best as you heal and regain your strength today.


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“What doesn't kill you makes you, makes you stronger”
I would like to smack the person who coined that phrase. But it is so true. Sarah, I am not sure if you saw on my thread that I went through a pretty rough time last January. Gosh in some ways it seems like yesterday because I’m still dealing with some of the problems, and other what day it seems like forever ago. Regarding the pain, pain can be debilitating emotionally and physically. It’s hard for other people who’ve never been through that kind of pain you’re experiencing (Especially the healthcare providers) to understand what you’re going through. They think they understand because they’ve seen it so many times. But they really don’t.
And believe it or not even though at this time you’re still being traumatized by your experience time truly does heal all pain. And one day you’ll look back and not even remember how bad it truly was. You will only remember when little things happen to remind you.
As I sit here reading your story and seeing your pictures I am reminded of what I went through. And my heart breaks for you because I do remember how hard it was, and how much it hurt. I can only say that with time you will get better.
Very recently, I realized that the feeling of hardware no longer bothers me as much as it used to, and it hurts less. I have included a few pictures for you in case you did not see them in my thread. The last is me on my ATV. I was afraid I would never ride again. But that is 5 months after surgery!
The girl who used a tonka truck me move a concrete pad under her dirty spider filled crawl space will triumph over pins screws and pain.
Ooh, this is a bad one, and true example of head trauma. I hope the sutures have healed well and hair growth has resumed. And youre right, we see pain but don't comprehend pain Until we've endured it ourselves.

Victoria M

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Sarah, I also forgot to mention that as healthcare providers we have more knowledge so more fear of what could go wrong. As an PCU/ICU nurse I see when things go wrong. I have to remind myself of all the great cases that progress smoothly that I just dont have the privilege of seeing. When I had my brain surgery there were so many risks. Risks of disability, stroke. I told my husband if things went poorly then no trach, no PEG. Poor guy was like “I don't even know what that means” I told him not to make decisions without talking to my nurse friends. lol. And as I watched the nursing staff I was sometimes baffled by the inexperience or worse incompetence. Not a single nurse that took care of me ever cared for a patient with a brain tumor. I was baffled. But rest assured I survived it all and you will too! You will get through this and it will get better. And you will share this story someday with someone. A patient or a mom and dad of a patient and your triumph will bolster them through a difficult time.


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Thanks for the much needed encouragement :), and as most in the health care world know, that’s sometimes really the best medication. Been doing well trying some of my other normal activities and it’s been interesting. I did go to a xmas party for work and the floors were a little wet. Wheels chairs don’t work too well on hard waxed surfaces. Just kinda had to look sheepishly and think a little help. A co worker well dragged me out lol and she was bombed with hugs. I can’t say I wasn’t either it was just little harder is all. Definitely cold weather really makes things hurt and I can really feel the cold in my legs where they put the rods and screws in.


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“What doesn't kill you makes you, makes you stronger”
I would like to smack the person who coined that phrase. But it is so true. Sarah, I am not sure if you saw on my thread that I went through a pretty rough time last January. Gosh in some ways it seems like yesterday because I’m still dealing with some of the problems, and other what day it seems like forever ago. Regarding the pain, pain can be debilitating emotionally and physically. It’s hard for other people who’ve never been through that kind of pain you’re experiencing (Especially the healthcare providers) to understand what you’re going through. They think they understand because they’ve seen it so many times. But they really don’t.
And believe it or not even though at this time you’re still being traumatized by your experience time truly does heal all pain. And one day you’ll look back and not even remember how bad it truly was. You will only remember when little things happen to remind you.
As I sit here reading your story and seeing your pictures I am reminded of what I went through. And my heart breaks for you because I do remember how hard it was, and how much it hurt. I can only say that with time you will get better.
Very recently, I realized that the feeling of hardware no longer bothers me as much as it used to, and it hurts less. I have included a few pictures for you in case you did not see them in my thread. The last is me on my ATV. I was afraid I would never ride again. But that is 5 months after surgery!
The girl who used a tonka truck me move a concrete pad under her dirty spider filled crawl space will triumph over pins screws and pain.

Hey there,

Oh my, what did you do? That definitely had to be traumatic and this may sound horrible but, your surgeons did an amazing cut, and that’s a fantastic stitch work. How has your recovery been going and do you have any side affects? I’m curious if you have lasting headaches or pain from the surgery? I have had some patients where they complained to the surgeon when I was on that rotation. I can absolutely confirm lol that when it’s 19 degrees out the metal in my legs I can certainly feel.


Electrical Gru
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Hey there,

Oh my, what did you do? That definitely had to be traumatic and this may sound horrible but, your surgeons did an amazing cut, and that’s a fantastic stitch work. How has your recovery been going and do you have any side affects? I’m curious if you have lasting headaches or pain from the surgery? I have had some patients where they complained to the surgeon when I was on that rotation. I can absolutely confirm lol that when it’s 19 degrees out the metal in my legs I can certainly feel.
You should move somewhere warmer! ;) :p

Victoria M

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Hey there,

Oh my, what did you do? That definitely had to be traumatic and this may sound horrible but, your surgeons did an amazing cut, and that’s a fantastic stitch work. How has your recovery been going and do you have any side affects? I’m curious if you have lasting headaches or pain from the surgery? I have had some patients where they complained to the surgeon when I was on that rotation. I can absolutely confirm lol that when it’s 19 degrees out the metal in my legs I can certainly feel.
Yes his sutures were fantastic and how little hair he shaved was very kind. He did however staple the dressing to my head. Stapled through a dressing to my head! And did not suture the incision in my forehead and when the glue failed I had exposed subcutaneous fat. You can not even see the scar though. :) Nor can you find the scar on my scalp by sight. You have to find the dent and the hardware by touch.
I had a brain tumor called a meningioma. I have also had a tumor on my wrist called a schwanoma.
I as readmitted twice for complications. uncontrolled pain and vomitting the first readmit, and a possible abscess the second time. and an extra ER visit for a drug reaction. I developed double vision and vertigo for a few weeks. The abscess ended up just being a seroma thank god. I had a drug interaction cause serotonin syndrome three times but the doctors and nurses failed to realise it. The third time it happened my 24 year old son figured it out, thanks google. LOL. I then had pain next to my incision buzzing in my ears, and echoing of all sounds, and my heart beat echoing in my ear. The surgeon just said “that is weird”. Ended up being mastoiditis. It was very painful. I have had vertigo and a massive increase in migraines since August. Hearing loss in my right ear, and strength deficit in my left hand, and balance issues with this vertigo. All minor but still...BUT so far December has been way better. :)
AND the cold definately bothers my scar. I now have to wear a hat in cold weather.

And a nurse braided my hair after the surgeon shaved my head. The kindness she showed me is touching.
As they were sedating me, the nurses and anesthesiologist were so kind. I faught it for awhile because I was so scared. They were just reassuring and kind.

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MRI of the tumor.
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@Brew12 and @Fin sorry forgot to add photos but there now. I always try to be very nice and sincere, but to me they are worth more or at least what I paid for. I would never take a loss on something, and those I can’t frag. Well not that I know of. :)


So I definitely need a consensus my friends on something. I had a friend over in which she brought her bf along that was a first meeting. (He wasn’t as polite and nice as I thought but oh well). Anyway he also does a saltwater reef, and liked two of my corals a lot. In which he bugged my all night and offered me money to take them home tonight. In which I responded as to I have to sleep on it. So he wanted my Aussie lobo, and my multi colored trac, in which the price he offered to me threw me off. He said since their every day common corals they are not worth much, but he would give me extra because he is nice.

I have had these for awhile, but they were much smaller. When I purchased them, it was 145 for the trac, and 75 for the lobo. I’m certain the lfs marked them up etc, but he offered me 15 for the lobo and said that was generous, and 40 for the trac and he said that was very generous. So 55 for both and I just don’t think that was correct. I have a war face scoly and he said he would do that one also for 50 to add to his collection. Those are normally like 150 I have thought.

Am I wrong or just greedy help:)

Ops here are the pics of said corals



I just started reading this thread several days ago so I know I'm behind. Why would you even need a consensus? They're your corals so do what you want to with them. Don't want to sell them then don't.

There's being nice and wanting people to like you and then there's letting people take advantage of you. Only you can allow what you want to happen.
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