hammer coral

  1. H2Ocooled

    Getting polyp extension Euphyllias?

    I have a couple of different Euphyllias and I seem to get good polyp extension on some but not others, the torches are getting good extension but the frogspawn and hammers do not. Is there a trick to getting this or am I missing something? Tank is a 66g, I have 2 gyre xf 330, I have them set...
  2. ACF930

    Pennsylvania Sky Blue Hammer & Purple Tip Hammer Pack

    Beautiful hammer pack available for those Euphyllia lovers and collectors. Includes an Indo Sky Blue Hammer and Aussie Purple Tip Hammer. They have been aquacultured for almost 2 years. The Sky Blue Hammer has 3 heads and is a rare and marvelous hammer from Indonesia. I was fortunate to get...
  3. ACF930

    Pennsylvania WTB Gold Rainbow Hammer

    Looking for a Gold Rainbow Hammer that's similar in color to below. If anyone has one that is gold with rainbow colors, please PM me.
  4. Evan28395950

    Anemone moving towards lps

    Hey all, so my anemone has been moving quite a lot lately, now it’s getting close to my hammer. Should I move the hammer to somewhere else?
  5. Jcat2k

    Hairy Hammer?

    So... one of my 2 hammer corals has things (hopefully not things) that look like hair on its base. Is this some kind of worm or other critters?
  6. B

    Is my Hammer OK??

    Hi all , can you take a look and see if you think the base of my hammer is ok. I noticed tonight that possibly the soft tissue at the base of this coral looks as if it might be tearing . The coral has been in this spot for months without an issue . I also haven’t made any changes to the water...
  7. eggplantparrot

    Ugh, pure stupidity. Please help my hammer

    Hey guys, i was just doing a water change on my 14G, and did something so stupid. The hose i was using slipped out of my hand, and the suction end of the hose landed right on my beautiful hammer, which recently was doing super well. I felt a thud through the hose as the suction was cutoff by...
  8. eggplantparrot

    Hammer super fast colour change, what the!?

    Hey yall, i just made a trip to my not so local lfs and picked me up a bunch of frags. One of my purchases was a super bright and beautiful splattered golden hammer. I took my frags home, which took about 1 hour max. When i get home and start unpacking i notice my hammer was GREEN, not even a...
  9. tablesalt

    Tell Me About My Branching Orange Hammer Coral

    This past weekend I saw something at a different LFS I've never seen before, would likely never see again, and jumped on it. I bought my first LPS, a BRANCHING ORANGE HAMMER CORAL. Upon bringing it home, I immediately almost killed it by re-arranging my tank and fragging some corals. This...
  10. Evan28395950

    Let’s see your LPS Corals!

    Bored at the moment, so let’s see your LPS Corals! :)
  11. Evan28395950

    Loose Hammer Coral Tentacle

    Hello all, got this hammer from a frag swap, it’s been growing fast. Just noticed today there’s a loose tentacle. Anything to be concerned about?
  12. Evan28395950

    Frammer Coral Discussion

    Ever since I discovered the frammer coral (mix of frogspawn and hammer), I’ve been wondering how rare are these, how is this coral created, and how many of you have one? Here’s a picture of mine
  13. C

    Lugol's coral dip question

    My wall hammer coral hasn't been doing well for a couple of months. I recently found that it seemed to perk up when I used carbon (I do have hitchhiker toadstools in my tank, so their toxin might be the culprit). This time only half of the hammer coral recovered even after carbon. The lower half...
  14. Dolphin424

    Ohio OG Bounce, Speckled Kraks, and More!

    Will Now Ship! WWC OG Bounce 220$ Speckled Krak 180$ Sunny D's 15$ per polyp/ I have 1 one polyp frag/ 3 two polyp frags/ and 1 three polyp frag Duncans/ Left one has 3 heads 25$/ Right has 4 heads 35$ Hammer Coral/ Left has one head 10$(Have 3 single heads available)/ Right has two heads 20$
  15. sotsreef


    What is going on with my hammer, seems to only be one of the heads!?!
  16. T

    New branching hammer becoming slightly translucent on some polyps

    I just got a green and purple branching hammer at my lfs 2 days ago. They have good quality coral so I do not think I am just getting a trash frag. The hammer has 2 small heads and is only about a inch or two. I put it in my sand bed to acclimate it for about a week. However, a day after I got...
  17. Idoc

    Spionid worms?

    I've been researching all morning and think I've identified these as spionid worms...correct me if I'm wrong. They are all over the base of a hammer coral I have in my coral quarantine tank. I know spionid worms are harmless and good in a tank, but are there any problems having this many...
  18. J

    Barnacle in hammer coral

    Hey again guys, this morning when i turned on my lights, i noticed a fan sticking out of my closed up hammer coral(since lights just came on) and it looks like a barnacle. Is this safe or is jt gonna cause some problems in the future?
  19. KMench

    What's up with my branching hammer

    I've had this coral for several months now and it's been fine and dandy until yesterday. This one head has been all shriveled up and not looking so hot. The rest of the coral and everything else in the tank seems fine. I try to spot feed the hammer occasionally. Thanks! Tank Params are: 1.025...
  20. Cole's Coral Shack

    WTB Bright Euphyllia Coral (Naples/Fort Myers Area)

    Looking for Hammers, Torches, and Frogspawns. Preferably in the Naples and Fort Myers area.
  21. Ramiro Casal

    What is happening to my hammer coral?

    so I added my first corals about a month ago, and my hammer coral seemed to be doing fine always in a half a sphere shape and this morning it started to do this. is it a sign that something is wrong or is it just normal?

    Livestock Ultra Hammer 4 Pack from Coralust Reef Solutions

    These are 4 beautiful hand picked ultra hammer frags from Coralust Reef Solutions. The pictures, one white light and one actinic, are WYSIWYG. This coral pack can be purchased right now on R2R using paypal. Just click the top right "buy now" button. Feel free to browse our website...
  23. jhatfield

    Scarlet hermit eating a new hammer

    I just cought my scarlet hermit eating my new hammer coral. Now I have a chicken or egg question; was the crab attracted to dying polyps or did it cause the polyps to die? I ask because he seemed to focus on the two polyps that were retracted. Granted, he may have caused the polyps to retract...
  24. RoughneckReefingWife

    Typical hammer activity

    I'm completely new to SW tanks. My husband had a beautiful one years before we met and decided to do it again. We have a 6ft 125 gallon combo tank. Unfortunately I am left to care for the tank the 2 weeks a month he is gone. This site has been a lifesaver. I have a question about a hammer coral...
  25. Jimbo Bucket

    Clown Goby hosting in Hammer?

    I keep finding one of my yellow clown gobys head first in a hammer coral. Does it think its a clown and this is an anemone? The first time I noticed it, I thought it was dead. Has anyone else seen this behavior in a clown goby? I have a pair of yellows, I've never seen them both in there......