Hey all,
I recently ordered some corals from Top Shelf, as well as a leather coral from a LFS & I'm not having very good luck with them.
I had some zooanthids in the tank prior that are all doing great, as well as a star polyp that's doing good.
Once I acclimated the corals & settled them where I wanted them in the tank, I checked the water parameters & turned the lights out to let them settle. The next day, everything was open and looked great & happy, aside from one spot.
When I ordered from Top Shelf (TS from here), I ordered a birds nest, anacropora, a Duncan, and a psammocora. Everything looked visibly healthy upon arrival. The anacropora had gotten broken on a few limbs, but nothing large enough that I was worried about it dying. Fast forward to the next day: I notice the base of the anac seems to be lightening in color. Not quite bleached, but quite a bit lighter than it began. Being that it had gotten damaged, I moved it to the quarantine tank to try to nurse it back to health, but when I got home from work yesterday it had completely bleached & was totally gone.
So be it. Down one, sucks, but not the end of the world. Then today happens. I woke up for work & turned the tank lights on, as always. The leather is bent at the base and laying on its side, as it has been for about 48 hours. I've seen them do this before & then be perfectly fine, so im not too worried. My clowns are happy, the duncan is waving in the wind, the star polyps are bright & fluttering & all seems okay. The anac is totally gone, but the birds nest is glowing brightly, as well, happy as can be.
I've been at work for about 6 hours now & my hubby just sent a picture to let me know my birds nest has apparently died.
When I say it was perfect this morning, I mean it looked exactly like the website picture, bright purple & green polyps glowing. 6 hours later it looks like this.
What is happening? Am I missing something/doing something wrong?

I recently ordered some corals from Top Shelf, as well as a leather coral from a LFS & I'm not having very good luck with them.
I had some zooanthids in the tank prior that are all doing great, as well as a star polyp that's doing good.
Once I acclimated the corals & settled them where I wanted them in the tank, I checked the water parameters & turned the lights out to let them settle. The next day, everything was open and looked great & happy, aside from one spot.
When I ordered from Top Shelf (TS from here), I ordered a birds nest, anacropora, a Duncan, and a psammocora. Everything looked visibly healthy upon arrival. The anacropora had gotten broken on a few limbs, but nothing large enough that I was worried about it dying. Fast forward to the next day: I notice the base of the anac seems to be lightening in color. Not quite bleached, but quite a bit lighter than it began. Being that it had gotten damaged, I moved it to the quarantine tank to try to nurse it back to health, but when I got home from work yesterday it had completely bleached & was totally gone.
So be it. Down one, sucks, but not the end of the world. Then today happens. I woke up for work & turned the tank lights on, as always. The leather is bent at the base and laying on its side, as it has been for about 48 hours. I've seen them do this before & then be perfectly fine, so im not too worried. My clowns are happy, the duncan is waving in the wind, the star polyps are bright & fluttering & all seems okay. The anac is totally gone, but the birds nest is glowing brightly, as well, happy as can be.
I've been at work for about 6 hours now & my hubby just sent a picture to let me know my birds nest has apparently died.
When I say it was perfect this morning, I mean it looked exactly like the website picture, bright purple & green polyps glowing. 6 hours later it looks like this.
What is happening? Am I missing something/doing something wrong?