Why would you put vinegar in a tank that still had sand in it ( other than carbon dosing)? How is that going to clean anything? So cause and effect. Had he removed everything and then went to work with the vinegar that would not have happened. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.Here’s the story: https://www.thespec.com/news/hamilt...cle_3d5b6f13-637d-5b2d-86c3-cdd614ba7b08.html
“The idea was to take everything out of the aquarium and start from scratch to get rid of the algae outbreak,” he said. “That’s why I used vinegar, because I really wanted to give it a complete reset, which takes time.”
"He said he poured vinegar into his tank at about 6 p.m. While he believed it was empty, still concealed within the aquarium’s sand bed were a handful of palythoas, which, after interacting with the vinegar, started to bubble and spew out particles of its odourless poison into the air.
By 9 p.m., Evans came down with what he called bronchitis-like symptoms, including a heavy chest. Within a half-hour, his husband, Chris Stewart, followed suit with convulsions and trouble breathing. His dogs set off the final alarm bell shortly thereafter, with the four of them shaking and one having difficulty holding up her head."
Here's a pic. I never trust palys that look like this, although I have no way of really knowing: