
  1. Andrew Schubert

    Sunburst Anthias with lock jaw?

    I recently purchased (2 weeks ago) 5 pre quarantine Anthias. 4 of the 5 swim together and look normal. But the 5th hides out by himself and always has his mouth wide open. I read this is common with Anthias, but wondering if it could be something else as well. It’s hard to tell, but I think...
  2. J

    Lyretail mixing?

    I currently have females lyretail Anthias from ”indo” and I have a male Lyretail from “Fiji” coming in soon . Will this cause confusion and stress to my male lyretail? I’ve bought a male “Fiji” lyretail from Petco before and it died in 3 weeks. Never colored up. No signs of decease either...
  3. J

    Purple male Lyretail?

    Where can I find this purple male Lyretail? A lot of shop says they have it but it’s the red male. Any reliable shop ?
  4. Babayaga

    New York Live Goods Blotchy anthias in Staten Island NY 10312

    Selling a beautiful blotchy anthias, eats frozen and pellets and is very active. Paid much more then I’m listing so I’m firm on $250. Pick up in Staten Island NY 10312.
  5. Albertoinbox

    Anthias question

    So, if I have 6 different anthias species, all females, will one of them turn into a male? I think (guess) not, but this ignitus girl is getting pretty big and bright colored. I'm not going to research on it, lets see what a shortcut can bring.
  6. NaCl H2O

    California Live Goods Sunburst Anthias - For Sale - California - Pick Up Only - SOLD

    SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Moving out of state and do not want to stress fish out with a travel. I live in Temecula, Ca. This is for pick up only. The fish is about 1-1.25” I've had it for bout 4 months now. Very cool looking fish. Eats great. Lil shy guy tho.
  7. Eric Cohen

    California Live Goods Borbonius Anthias for sale QUARANTINED!!!

    I have two left finished with quarantine. Beautiful fish.
  8. C

    Should I get a school of anthia or damsels?

    Hey guys I want to get a school of lyretail anthias but people are saying they’re a handful. Should I consider a school of yellow tail or blue devil damsels instead or will that not work? Also why are the anthias a lot of work?
  9. Z

    Earl’s Fairy Wrasse, Blotchy Anthias, & Mystery Wrasse

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Earl’s Fairy Wrasse, Blotchy Anthias, & Mystery Wrasse. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  10. J

    Lyretail Anthias v/s Darts issue

    Hi Everybody! I'm rather new to the hobby and have slowly been stocking my reef tank (65 gal) with fish. I had 2 clowns, 2 darts and 1 watchman goby. I decided to add a Lyretail Anthias, based on my understanding that they are peaceful. Unfortunately, she likes to chase the darts. Mostly when I...
  11. J


    Hey you guys. Got this brand new Anthias fish and put it in QT. The following day I notice it has this white patch. Does it look like ICH? Or lympho? Thanks you guys.
  12. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Is this anthias a gonner?

    Just got 7 dispar anthias at least thats what i think they are the seller didn’t specify the species as they just called it rainbow fish or something. The seller said they were ‘old stock’ so they already ate pellets, i decided to grab them. They are being qted in a 70g now. They all are eating...
  13. K

    New fish recommendations for my 320 gallon reef?

    I am ready to add some more fish to my reef. It has been running since September of 2019, but after losing my SPS corals, I am doing a reboot. I reworked some of the aquascape to be more open for better flow. My current fish are one Sailfin Tang, one Chocolate Tang, one Foxface, one...
  14. Kyle Soto

    Single Anthias? + Stocking list for 65 gallon Red Sea

    My 65 gallon tank is currently stocked as follows: 2 ocellaris clowns Orchid dottyback Lemon damsel Tomini tang Blue hippo tang (I did not purchase this fish, I realize he will outgrow the tank but he was included when I bought the tank) I want to add a single male Lyertail Anthias but I was...
  15. Newbiereefer98

    Anthias Recommendations for 90 Gal

    Hoping to hear from some anthias keepers. Currently have a 90 gal tank (48x18x24) with a 20 gal sump. 1 Midas blenny 1 purple tang 2 blue stripe pipefish 1 blue star leopard wrasse Levels are all good and I’m looking into adding some anthias. Have been doing some reading and really hoping...
  16. ntableman

    One week to shut it all down - it all must go!

    I have to move from the New Paltz, NY area to out west for family and work reasons and need to do it kind of quickly. Because of this I need to find new homes for all the live stock in my tank. Local only, I'm not shipping anything :) There are 6 B&W, 2 blue crocea- a BIG derasa 2 mushrooms...
  17. M

    Male anthias transitioned to female - should I get a male or female partner?

    About a year ago I purchased a male lyretail anthias from Petco. Over time, as expected, he (she?) has lost his dorsal spike and coloration and is now presenting as a female with the bright orange coloring. We upgraded our tank to a 75g a few months ago and I am thinking of getting him a friend...
  18. J

    Fish ID (anthias?)

    I saw this fish at an aquarium and was wondering if anyone knew what it was, to me it looks like a type of anthias but I’m not sure what type.
  19. MarineDepot

    Species Spotlight: ANTHIAS | With Hilary, Marine Biologist of WaterLogged

    Hey reefers! Check out our newest YouTube Video with Hilary of WaterLogged to discus one of the most beautiful aquarium species, Anthias. While you're there, don't forget to hit the thumbs up and subscribe for new and exciting aquarium content.
  20. thevelvetdragon

    92 Gallon Reef Tank Stocking List

    Hi guys! We are getting a 92 gallon tank this weekend that we're buying from someone. It's an already established tank, but since we've had the worst luck with parasites we are going to clean it out and let it sit before adding water to it and starting over. That being said, I'm an avid planner...
  21. J

    Connecticut New York Fish for sale, Tangs

    Yellow tang ~4inches $200 Powder Brown tang ~4inches $90 Blue Hippo tang~ 4inches $80 Anthias~4inches $30 Zipcode 06901
  22. G

    Anthias Trio in 120 gallon

    I've been reading a lot about setting up a 120 gallon tank, and the behaviors of anthias are a huge reason I took an interest in the hobby. I'm curious which species, if any, could be kept in a 120 gallon tank. Originally I was interested in keeping a trio of a shoaling species like Lyretails or...
  23. Diveks

    Anthias arrived Injured.

    Yesterday morning, i received 5 lyretails, 2 wrasses, a small sailfin, and a fish the seller accidentally sent (yellow watchman). I did a 30 min float and safety dipped them before putting them in the 80 gallon qt. I ordered 5 females but i think the seller sold me 2 females that are...
  24. M

    Is there anything to help an ignitus anthia in QT?

    I have three ignitus anthias in QT since Wednesday. I’ve been feeding 6-10 times a day with ROE eggs. And I’m running with an ammonia alert badge to monitor ammonia with all the feedings. One has been less active than the others since I brought the home, but was originally eating well. But today...
  25. esther

    Need Help with Voracious Eaters (Borbonius Anthias)

    So, I woke up this morning to one of our peppermint shrimp in the mouth of one of our borbs. Gotta say it looked pretty funny, but I couldn't get a pic of it. We feed 3X a day, but I'm now thinking that isn't enough. Questions & stock list below. Questions for all you Borb owners... How many...