I have a 75 gallon aquarium(40’ by 24’ by 20’). I have a fish list which I have done a lot of research on. However, I would like to know if there are any compatibility problems that I am unaware of as well as possible better alternatives. Any recommendations or words of advise are much appreciated!
- White tail Bristletooth tang
- Biota Yellow Tang
- Biota Court Jester Goby
- Orange Clown Goby
- Biota Royal gramma
- Purple tilefish
- Pair of Ocellaris Clownfish
- Pair of Bella Sleeper Gobies
- Copperband butterfly fish or long nose butterfly fish
- Ruby Red Dragonet
- Bicolor Blenny
- Fathead Sunburst Anthias
- Jawfish or goby and pistol shrimp pair
- Longnose hawkfish
- Biota Blue Streak Cleaner wrasse
- Pair of Pink streak wrasse
- 2 Yellow Canary Wrasses
- 1 Azure Damselfish
- Biota Multibar Angelfish
- Pintail Fairy wrasse
- Naoko Fairy wrasse
- Diamond Tail Flasher wrasse
- McCosckers Flasher wrasse