red sea reefers are not worth the cost

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Oceanic used to make all their tanks with low iron glass. They were bought out BY AGA a few years ago who subsequently put their former competition out of business. Fire glass is supposed to be iron-free.


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I wanted to chime in here based on my experience. I think a lot of us have been "conditioned" to be hyper vigilant with Red Sea tanks because of the reports of failure.

I am definitely a good example of that being the case. I noticed my Nano Max had a "failing seal" and the "emergency" post is up for you to see. It was a shadow cast by an uneven substrate. That's it.

Fast forward, I upgraded to Reefer 250 and absolutely love it. I did my research, went to a few local stores, and found Red Sea to offer the best value and quality dollar per dollar. ProStar was a close second, as it was actually cheaper but had an aluminum cabinet (a feature you get on much more expensive Reefers) but the sump and plumbing were subpar to say the least.

I also have ReefLEDs and ReefWaves and all work flawlessly and have been reliable. Red Sea isn't perfect. No one is perfect, but I would say their quality is superb. The silicone is remarkably well done and I've had a number of tanks over the 20 plus years of being in the hobby. Then again, I've never had a leak. Not even one -- from cheap Petco tanks to a custom discus tank I had build to suite years ago. Maybe I'm just lucky. Most likely it's a statistically representative situation. Majority of us don't experience any problems, which isn't to invalidate those who do. RedSea did have some cabinet warping issue but I believe they have addressed the issue sufficiently.


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late to the party! the entire line of "REEFER" tanks is so that you can put in your pieces of lighting and filtration... I own two RSR tanks by far the best tanks I've owned and I used to run an LFS, I've owned many many tanks, if you quote any custom tank these days, the builders really think people just won't shop around, and these, pre-built systems may not precisely fit your individual needs but with a bit of compromise, they may be just right. I found this thread since I am looking to upgrade my RSR250 and recently quoted a tank from a semi-local builder the price was over $4000 for the tank alone, I still need a stand and plumbing and I have to rent a Uhaul to pick up the tank, so now the dream built with exact dimensions is no longer viable because of the exploding cost associated with custom-builts... I will buy again from a manufacturer and sacrifice the additional 6 inches of front to back I wanted, its just now worth another $4K
custom would have been 48x30x22
manufactured is 48x24x22 - lose 6" save $4K

Ashish Patel

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I own a lawn/landscape company and sure I could go to HD and buy a fleet of zero turns for 3k each but I also know those are in no way built the handle hundreds of hours every year. So I spend 8 to 10k per machine because repairs and down time would sink me. You get what you pay for. Going cheap will always cost you more in the end.
You done messed up - Now I know where to get Green grass tips bc mine stinks lol

Tenecor Aquariums

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late to the party! the entire line of "REEFER" tanks is so that you can put in your pieces of lighting and filtration... I own two RSR tanks by far the best tanks I've owned and I used to run an LFS, I've owned many many tanks, if you quote any custom tank these days, the builders really think people just won't shop around, and these, pre-built systems may not precisely fit your individual needs but with a bit of compromise, they may be just right. I found this thread since I am looking to upgrade my RSR250 and recently quoted a tank from a semi-local builder the price was over $4000 for the tank alone, I still need a stand and plumbing and I have to rent a Uhaul to pick up the tank, so now the dream built with exact dimensions is no longer viable because of the exploding cost associated with custom-builts... I will buy again from a manufacturer and sacrifice the additional 6 inches of front to back I wanted, its just now worth another $4K
custom would have been 48x30x22
manufactured is 48x24x22 - lose 6" save $4K
$4K? that's a pricey tank. We would build that for around $1,000


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late to the party! the entire line of "REEFER" tanks is so that you can put in your pieces of lighting and filtration... I own two RSR tanks by far the best tanks I've owned and I used to run an LFS, I've owned many many tanks, if you quote any custom tank these days, the builders really think people just won't shop around, and these, pre-built systems may not precisely fit your individual needs but with a bit of compromise, they may be just right. I found this thread since I am looking to upgrade my RSR250 and recently quoted a tank from a semi-local builder the price was over $4000 for the tank alone, I still need a stand and plumbing and I have to rent a Uhaul to pick up the tank, so now the dream built with exact dimensions is no longer viable because of the exploding cost associated with custom-builts... I will buy again from a manufacturer and sacrifice the additional 6 inches of front to back I wanted, its just now worth another $4K
custom would have been 48x30x22
manufactured is 48x24x22 - lose 6" save $4K
Agree - no problems with RedSea - or support


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I know this is controversial, but there is no way red sea tanks are worth the money at all in the slightest. I bought a red sea 250 after moving and needing to downsize from my 150(which was just a standard 150 from planet aquariums I purchased from my lfs). It was somewhat sudden and I didn't want to go through the hassle of designing, purchasing, and installing plumbing; I found a good deal so I decided to get it. I bought the system used for a price of $800. It had only been used for a year and everything worked fine. So I figured I would outline the things I don't like about the system to warn others but hopefully have some input from to improve these issues.

1. The "all in one"/"plug and play" lie: The red sea 250 system cost $1824. That includes the tank, stand, sump and plumbing. How is this plug and play? Theres nothing even to plug in as it doesn't come with a return pump. I think that most people would agree that to just get the tank started you would need to put in at least another $1000. You could easily spend over $3000 including the tank and not have any fish or coral. Thats insane for a tank with a system volume of 65 gallons. You could easily find a tank at least twice the volume including stand and probably a sump for the same price or less. Even other all in ones like IM give you a pump, media, and a top. Luckily I had a bunch of extra stuff from my 150 but for someone starting out it would be ridiculous.

2. The lack of space: One of Red sea's main selling points is that you wont have to spend time and money buying different pieces of plumbing and filtration equipment to put your system together. For a beginner who has no experience in what to look for in buying equipment this is a good reason to buy Red sea. But for more experienced reefers who are looking to run more sophisticated equipment such as gfo reactors, calcium reactors, auto dosers, or an ato(i will cover this more later) they will be greatly restricted by space. The sump takes up a considerable amount of space and leaves just a small area, about 14inx20in, to store EVERYTHING else. My stand looks like a bomb went off. Between auto doser pumps and containers, wires for the heater, refugium light, skimmer, and return pump there is almost no room to store anything else. This is because the opening for wires require that they be stretched across the sump from the left side. And the sump has to be installed on the left. This means wires get covered in salt creep and take up valuable space in the storage area.

3. The ATO: The ATO is famously hated among red sea owners. This should be no surprise since all it is is a cheap float valve system with no real fail safe in it except for the fact that the volume when filled is not enough to overflow the sump. That's fine if you don't mind losing sensitive species to a large salinity swing. Now granted, I have had no reliability issues with the ATO and the feature for adjusting the water level in the return pump compartment is very nice. My main issue is how it is positioned. Since the ATO sits on top of the sump, it is high above everything else so it is difficult to access. You can't pour the bottom half of a 5 gallon jug into it as you cant tip the jug over enough to get the water out. This means you need to empty the water and scoop it in with a cup or something. And forget trying to take the ATO out and filling it. The reservoir is a small glass tank with an open top so there would be no way to reinstall it without sloshing water all over the place. And that open top quality makes you lose lots of extra water due to evaporation. The design is so poor that it makes way more sense to just get another ATO, especially if your house is as dry as mine. The design could have been fixed so easily too. Just make the reservoir a closed top jug with a hole at the side and include a funnel to pour the water into. Almost like a gas tank or oil for your engine. But it is so obvious that red sea instead chose to forego functionality for aesthetic by keeping their minimalistic glass box instead of a custom plastic jug that would have made sense. Instead I have to keep a new ATO outside of the tank stand as there is no room inside the stand for one.

4. The quality issues: Red sea has a reputation of quality in general. That is until you start to have problems with your tank and find all the red sea owners with the same problem. From seam leaks to the incredibly annoying defect with the drain plumbing that causes the tank to sound like a toilet 24/7, red sea has its fair share of issues. Personally, my tank is way louder than my 150 ever was. If the dial on the drain line isn't tuned exactly right it is extremely loud. Many people replace this part with one from home depot. For a near $2000 tank kit, this is unacceptable.

Conclusion: Red sea systems are great if you like how they look. That's it. After owning one for the past 6 months I can tell you that it isn't worth it. The equipment is not better. It requires mods to make it function optimally and you will be spending hundreds of more dollars before ever putting a fish in. In my opinion, red sea takes advantage of people with the idea that they will provide you with everything you need to get you a tank that looks like the ones on their website or at fish stores(btw, red sea requires displays in stores that sell their tanks, the stores aren't necessarily choosing red sea because they want to). I understand that many people love red sea reefer tanks. And not all red sea products are bad either, just the tanks(and test kits lol). If you want to buy a red sea tank, just do your research and think about how your money is being spent and where else it could go. Cheers!
We’re all entitled to our opinions. But I think you’ll find many people here who disagree with yours.

The new G2 Red Sea Reefer XLs are a big improvement over the previous models. Especially the improved drain valve, the sturdier cabinets, the leveling feet and the armored seams. The reef mat makes a great and sleek mechanical filtration option, and you won’t see too many better looking all in one systems.

That said, they are expensive, but value is relative and means different things to different people. And they do take a lot of the DIY and customization out of it, but that’s exactly the point.

I’m not sure a custom build with low iron glass, a high quality sump, good plumbing and a nice stand would be much cheaper.

But to each their own.

Ashish Patel

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late to the party! the entire line of "REEFER" tanks is so that you can put in your pieces of lighting and filtration... I own two RSR tanks by far the best tanks I've owned and I used to run an LFS, I've owned many many tanks, if you quote any custom tank these days, the builders really think people just won't shop around, and these, pre-built systems may not precisely fit your individual needs but with a bit of compromise, they may be just right. I found this thread since I am looking to upgrade my RSR250 and recently quoted a tank from a semi-local builder the price was over $4000 for the tank alone, I still need a stand and plumbing and I have to rent a Uhaul to pick up the tank, so now the dream built with exact dimensions is no longer viable because of the exploding cost associated with custom-builts... I will buy again from a manufacturer and sacrifice the additional 6 inches of front to back I wanted, its just now worth another $4K
custom would have been 48x30x22
manufactured is 48x24x22 - lose 6" save $4K
Who you going to for your tank? reefsavy? something doesnt add up, so 8K for a 80gallonish tank?


why did you put a reef in that
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I was wondering where this thread went

there must have been 20 new seal losses on red sea threads posted this year. I'm dealing with one in chat right now where we skip cycle transferred all his stuff to a new, non red sea brand aquarium.

I would never, ever, ever ever never own one as a water-holding aquarium in a house I did not want wet. if red sea made a fishbowl with no seals, I wouldn't trust that either.
you know what I would trust? an oceanic reef tank from 1999 that was so heavy it took nine men to merely move the empty tank six feet.


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I think the real issue is the trend towards these minimalist rimless tanks in general. Red Sea is just by far the biggest seller of them, and made some particularly bad design decisions on their classic tanks/stands.

Any large display tank in my house will be custom with bracing everywhere. I want tanks that will last decades, not ones you worry about blowing a panel in the first 5 years.


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I was wondering where this thread went

there must have been 20 new seal losses on red sea threads posted this year. I'm dealing with one in chat right now where we skip cycle transferred all his stuff to a new, non red sea brand aquarium.

I would never, ever, ever ever never own one as a water-holding aquarium in a house I did not want wet. if red sea made a fishbowl with no seals, I wouldn't trust that either.
you know what I would trust? an oceanic reef tank from 1999 that was so heavy it took nine men to merely move the empty tank six feet.
I'm curious - how many of those people installed the recommended brace if you know?


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Well, that is the reason there are many options out there. No product is good for everyone. In my case I had a Japanese AIO tank and after 10 years I took the leap to a Red Sea S-500, the tank is in my living room so my wife asked whaterver the tank it must look cool and sleek. I do like the aluminum frame compared to the Reefers models so I don’t have to worry. Also it comes with a nice light rack, the system looks great and it is always a great conversation starter at home

In terms of equipment the only downsize I saw on my tank was the old C-Skim, not good enough and noise. After a year I upgraded it to a Nyos Quantum 150 and been happy ever since. If someday I would decide to go for another tank, it would another Red Sea or something similar to it.
Hi, I'm trying to decide between the redsea S-500 MAX or the newer S-550 reefer. I' haven't seen the S500 in person does it have armored seams ie triangular glass/plastic piece stuck to the corner silicone seams? Also how quiet is the overflow. I really want something quiet around the 40dB level ie like a quiet library.
Another question is the frame on the top part of the S-500 a structural frame ie something that holds the top of the tank together. Personally I am not a fan of the rimless types and rather have a nice looking frame border on the top with a sleek hood. The original T5/T8 S-500 light hood looks perfect to me.


  • Unfortunately, yes.

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  • Thankfully, no.

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  • Other (pleas explain).

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