Hi guys, I've been doing some research on products I might get for my tank, and came across 3 relatively similar products all made by Seachem, and I'm wondering if anyone knows what each of them do specifically, or how they work together.
The main issues with my tank that I'm looking to solve are high nitrates and constant, aggressive diatoms on the rocks. There's also a fair bit of detritus going on, which isn't a huge issue, but I mention it because I think at least one of those products help with that.
Also I know there are other solutions to these problems with other methods, but I'm looking for something to use in conjunction with other methods that can make these problems easier to manage. Also I'm definitely open to getting more than one of these products if that's what will work the best, I'm just at a bit of a loss between the differences between them and how they work together.
What I have figured out so far is that Pristine is some kind of bacteria in a bottle (not a starter) and it somehow lowers the quantity of nitrate nitrite and ammonia if any are present, and also can eliminate algae? (although which types I'm not sure)
And then Phosguard and Purigen are both some kind of filter media that you can put in a filter basket, but purigen seems to basically do the same thing as Pristine, whereas Phosguard specifically lowers phosphate and silicates, which are responsible for diatoms and possibly other algaes? My phosphate in my tank has never been high enough to show on any test kits though so I'm not sure if that could cause any issues.
Anyway any information or experience with any of these products is welcome! Especially for what would work best for diatoms. Thanks!
Some tank info:
32 gallons
FOWLR system
HOB filter
Nitrates: ~35 ppm
The tank has been running for 4 months now
The main issues with my tank that I'm looking to solve are high nitrates and constant, aggressive diatoms on the rocks. There's also a fair bit of detritus going on, which isn't a huge issue, but I mention it because I think at least one of those products help with that.
Also I know there are other solutions to these problems with other methods, but I'm looking for something to use in conjunction with other methods that can make these problems easier to manage. Also I'm definitely open to getting more than one of these products if that's what will work the best, I'm just at a bit of a loss between the differences between them and how they work together.
What I have figured out so far is that Pristine is some kind of bacteria in a bottle (not a starter) and it somehow lowers the quantity of nitrate nitrite and ammonia if any are present, and also can eliminate algae? (although which types I'm not sure)
And then Phosguard and Purigen are both some kind of filter media that you can put in a filter basket, but purigen seems to basically do the same thing as Pristine, whereas Phosguard specifically lowers phosphate and silicates, which are responsible for diatoms and possibly other algaes? My phosphate in my tank has never been high enough to show on any test kits though so I'm not sure if that could cause any issues.
Anyway any information or experience with any of these products is welcome! Especially for what would work best for diatoms. Thanks!
Some tank info:
32 gallons
FOWLR system
HOB filter
Nitrates: ~35 ppm
The tank has been running for 4 months now