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Ok so I got my Triton ICP test back, everything is in the green except phosphate which the number just seems plain wrong, and my Iodine is in the yellow telling me it’s somehow 0. Now that I think of it, my pink birds nest has always been brown and I believe iodine is what helps pink pigment. Could my iodine being 0, with everything else perfectly in line, be the reason my acros keep dying, but all other corals are fine?
SBB Corals

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100% iodine is extremely important. and maybe your po4 is 0.. when is the last time you tested?

i would suggest dosing iodine asap and getting a really good digital po4 test kit..

This is why i suggest an ICP est at least 1 time per month so you are not flying blind


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From Reefbuilder article ,
Screenshot_20211023-102443_Power Browser.jpg

C. Eymann

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Agree that keeping potassium between 380-430 is important for getting vivid reds and pinks.

However, like @SBB Corals said iodine is also very important, not just for color but overall health and particularly plays a role on preventing bleaching.

Corals utilize iodine for many biological processes, including pigmentation, a study involving an isolated yellow fluorescent protein group showed it was heavily affected by additions of iodide, flouride, chloride etc etc, Also corals utilize Iodide as well as zinc in an oxidative process to neutralize/ detoxify free radical byproducts from the zooanxthelle's photosynthesis. If the rate of photosynthesis is increased via raising temperature or llumination intensity to a point where this oxidative process can't keep up, as a self preservation mechanism corals start expelling their zooanxthelle, if iodine or zinc levels are depleted, corals maybe at an increased risk for bleaching too.


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My phosphate is 0.1 according to my Hannah tester, but the triton said it’s 0.3. My postassium is 415 but my pink birds nest is still brown : ( . But everything else in the tank has great colors besides my pinks. Like my red goniopora is a very rich red but my monti cap isn’t nor my pink birds nest. I immediately started dosing the iodine in the Red Sea colors kit, it’s odd it was 0 though since I do weekly water changes with Red Sea Coral Pro salt.


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However, like @SBB Corals said iodine is also very important, not just for color but overall health and particularly plays a role on preventing bleaching.
Yes I agree with Shane @SBB Corals as well. He's got the midas touch. Coral colors are insane!!

I wished I could have edited what I wrote to @adsf430. I was at the barber shop and they called my name, so I quickly wrote that before finalizing it...
I wasn't sure if adsf430 thought Iodine from Potassium Iodide vs Potassium would help with the pink.

Sweet Reef Corals

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On the subject of dosing potassium, I’ve recently come across a potential issue with what I’ve been using. I normally DO NOT dose anything I can’t test for. When my potassium has been low, I’ve been using the Red Sea Potassium Chloride. However, I recently noticed on the bottle that it actually says “Potassium and Boron complex”. I’m not too keen on that and it’s unfortunate because I have the dosing down to a science to bring it back up. I purchased some food grade potassium chloride powder for dipping new arrivals and would like to start using that instead of the Red Sea “complex”. Does anyone have a recipe for potassium Chloride powder mixed with RODI that will give a precise dosing calculation?
SBB Corals

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Hello Everyone,

We finally tested the Hanna h196786 Nitrate checker Photometer Against the Hanna h1782 handheld Nitrate Checker

The results were good. we checked it 3 times and then Calibrated the Photometer and checked again for a 4th time. To our surprise the Handlight Hanna had a more consistent reading with the photometer was not as consistent. The handheld was in a tight range at 8.2 with the photometer was more around the 12-16 Range.

We did all these test back to back

I am happy with all the results but wonder which one is more accurate. the range between 8-16 is all good with us and we test for ranges anyway.. even though the Photometer looks a little less consistent we still prefer it over the handheld because it can be calibrated.

Here is a picture series of each test we did in a row. What is weird is after each test the reading went up little bit each time and then once we calibrated it came back down.

Here is the 1st test


Here is the Second Test notice how the reading are going up a bit


Here is the 3rd Test and the readings keep increasing


We then Calibrated the Photometer just to see if it would make a difference. Here is pictures with the calibration process


Here is the final 4th Test with both units after Calibrating the Photometer



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Hello Everyone,

We finally tested the Hanna h196786 Nitrate checker Photometer Against the Hanna h1782 handheld Nitrate Checker

The results were good. we checked it 3 times and then Calibrated the Photometer and checked again for a 4th time. To our surprise the Handlight Hanna had a more consistent reading with the photometer was not as consistent. The handheld was in a tight range at 8.2 with the photometer was more around the 12-16 Range.

We did all these test back to back

I am happy with all the results but wonder which one is more accurate. the range between 8-16 is all good with us and we test for ranges anyway.. even though the Photometer looks a little less consistent we still prefer it over the handheld because it can be calibrated.

Here is a picture series of each test we did in a row. What is weird is after each test the reading went up little bit each time and then once we calibrated it came back down.

Here is the 1st test


Here is the Second Test notice how the reading are going up a bit


Here is the 3rd Test and the readings keep increasing


We then Calibrated the Photometer just to see if it would make a difference. Here is pictures with the calibration process


Here is the final 4th Test with both units after Calibrating the Photometer

Would be curious to see your results if you tested a standard.
SBB Corals

SBB Corals

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Hello Everyone,

we would like to discuss the topic of Iodine. We feel this is an extremely important Element for Tenuis Corals.

the biggest problem we are having is that all the test kits for Iodine are just terrible. we can't even get a baseline to use with these handheld kits.

we are Relying on Triton ICP test for Iodine. We like to keep Iodine at 90. when the Iodine drops under 30 we notice our Tenuis do not look great and have much less PE. Then we dose it up again and the next day we notice more PE..

The problem with the Triton ICP is that it is now taking up to 2 weeks to get the results back and it seems our corals suck down iodine at a rapid pass so whenever the test comes back it shows like 20 and then we dose it up again and then its fine.. we then send another test and wait for the results and then Iodine goes back down.. now we are getting better at dosing it daily to keep up with the demand but it seems the corals just eat it up....

anybody else having this issue?

has anybody found a good test kit to actually get a baseline reading?


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Same issue, the red sea test kit is impossible to read and complicated and my corals clearly want more iodine than I'm dosing daily, but I'm nervous to dose too much without having a reading.
SBB Corals

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Same issue, the red sea test kit is impossible to read and complicated and my corals clearly want more iodine than I'm dosing daily, but I'm nervous to dose too much without having a reading.
exactly we don't want to dose too much either.

Iodine is a hard thing to master because of the limites test kits.


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Hello Everyone,

we would like to discuss the topic of Iodine. We feel this is an extremely important Element for Tenuis Corals.

the biggest problem we are having is that all the test kits for Iodine are just terrible. we can't even get a baseline to use with these handheld kits.

we are Relying on Triton ICP test for Iodine. We like to keep Iodine at 90. when the Iodine drops under 30 we notice our Tenuis do not look great and have much less PE. Then we dose it up again and the next day we notice more PE..

The problem with the Triton ICP is that it is now taking up to 2 weeks to get the results back and it seems our corals suck down iodine at a rapid pass so whenever the test comes back it shows like 20 and then we dose it up again and then its fine.. we then send another test and wait for the results and then Iodine goes back down.. now we are getting better at dosing it daily to keep up with the demand but it seems the corals just eat it up....

anybody else having this issue?

has anybody found a good test kit to actually get a baseline reading?
Same problem. My NYOS kit usually shows I am in range, but my ICP always comes back way low.

I have great growth on all tenuis, but no PE or limited PE. Even my Millis have only modest PE.

Are you dosing Sodium Iodide or potassium iodide?


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we would test a standard great idea. Where do we get the standard from?
It looks like Hach and a few other companies sell them. That said I haven't done this so I'm not the best to comment on a brand.
Hello Everyone,

we would like to discuss the topic of Iodine. We feel this is an extremely important Element for Tenuis Corals.

the biggest problem we are having is that all the test kits for Iodine are just terrible. we can't even get a baseline to use with these handheld kits.

we are Relying on Triton ICP test for Iodine. We like to keep Iodine at 90. when the Iodine drops under 30 we notice our Tenuis do not look great and have much less PE. Then we dose it up again and the next day we notice more PE..

The problem with the Triton ICP is that it is now taking up to 2 weeks to get the results back and it seems our corals suck down iodine at a rapid pass so whenever the test comes back it shows like 20 and then we dose it up again and then its fine.. we then send another test and wait for the results and then Iodine goes back down.. now we are getting better at dosing it daily to keep up with the demand but it seems the corals just eat it up....

anybody else having this issue?

has anybody found a good test kit to actually get a baseline reading?
Very interesting to know. I've sporadically dosed Iodine but never with that resolve with the ICP testing. My goal has been to maintain low but detectable levels with the idea that it is rapidly depleting (so as not to overdose)
Same problem. My NYOS kit usually shows I am in range, but my ICP always comes back way low.

I have great growth on all tenuis, but no PE or limited PE. Even my Millis have only modest PE.

Are you dosing Sodium Iodide or potassium iodide?
Curious as well. Do you think the potassium may be helping out some with the responses you've noticed @SBB Corals ?
SBB Corals

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Same problem. My NYOS kit usually shows I am in range, but my ICP always comes back way low.

I have great growth on all tenuis, but no PE or limited PE. Even my Millis have only modest PE.

Are you dosing Sodium Iodide or potassium iodide?
Hey Scott,

we use Reef Iodide from Seechem which is Potassium iodide. we are still testing a few products but this is the one we are currently using.