Hello i have a 40 gallon breeder tank with a 20 gallon sump approximatly 50 gallons total water volume, i use rodi water with tropic marin salt, at about .24-.25 salinity i do water changes about twice a month usually 10 gallons a water change i have a fleece roller, skimmer, return pump and a ato in the sump in the tank i only have 1 wave maker i run my lights about 10 hrs a day I don't have a par meter so I don't know what my par is, i have 2 clowns, fire fish, diamond goby, cleaner shrimp, banded coral shrimp, turbo snail a few hermit crabs, a few nassarius snails, pulsing xenia, and a black widow anemone, i feed i pinch of seachem nutri diet marine flakes not too much or I feed 1 cube of frozen hikair mysis shrimp once every other day, ( not both at the same time I mix it up here and there) the parameters seem to be fine in the tank, I'm having what looks like algae on the rocks but it mostly concentrates on one rock the other rocks are pretty clean, idk if im just being impatient and it needs to cycle more or if there is a problem,can somebody help me figure out what my problem may be? The tank is only about 9 months cycled I just find it weird that it's mostly attracted to that one rock. Thanks in advance also if you could help me ID the lil snail in the last picture I would be greatful thankyou

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