I have a 100g tank with a 34g sump. I've had it going since October 2020. Recently, I've added a new dry rock and 2 media bricks.
I haven't tested ammonia in a long time. The red sea kit I have, I purchased in July of 2020.
I just tested ammonia because a firefish I have, I haven't seen in a while. I have no idea if it's alive, but thought since I haven't seen it, to test my ammonia. Well, red sea says it's 0.2. I fed reef frenzy about 7 hours ago.
I have a starfish, urchins, bubble tips, lps and softy corals, and other fish (clowns, fox face, yellow tang, a couple wrasses, hawkfish, clams) and they don't seem "bothered". I'm wondering what to do here. My nitrate is about 40, phosphate (using nopox) is at 0.28 (coming down from 0.36, using Hanna, but taking it slow as to not have big swings). My alk, calc, mag are all at the ideal numbers (testing daily) and I use red sea coral pro salt.
I do 10% water changes every Saturday (yesterday), and now that I see this reading I'm wondering two things.
1) could this be a bad test? Could the test kit be expired? If no sensitive inverts appear to have problems and all fish seem ok, what should I trust?
2) if I do another water change today (Sunday), how will the red sea coral pro salt impact my alk, calc and mag? Is that something I shouldn't worry about?
Alk 8.6, calcium 450, mag 1450. Dosing red sea bottles.
Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm posting from my phone, and the textbox isn't very easy to view as I type. Lol
I have a 100g tank with a 34g sump. I've had it going since October 2020. Recently, I've added a new dry rock and 2 media bricks.
I haven't tested ammonia in a long time. The red sea kit I have, I purchased in July of 2020.
I just tested ammonia because a firefish I have, I haven't seen in a while. I have no idea if it's alive, but thought since I haven't seen it, to test my ammonia. Well, red sea says it's 0.2. I fed reef frenzy about 7 hours ago.
I have a starfish, urchins, bubble tips, lps and softy corals, and other fish (clowns, fox face, yellow tang, a couple wrasses, hawkfish, clams) and they don't seem "bothered". I'm wondering what to do here. My nitrate is about 40, phosphate (using nopox) is at 0.28 (coming down from 0.36, using Hanna, but taking it slow as to not have big swings). My alk, calc, mag are all at the ideal numbers (testing daily) and I use red sea coral pro salt.
I do 10% water changes every Saturday (yesterday), and now that I see this reading I'm wondering two things.
1) could this be a bad test? Could the test kit be expired? If no sensitive inverts appear to have problems and all fish seem ok, what should I trust?
2) if I do another water change today (Sunday), how will the red sea coral pro salt impact my alk, calc and mag? Is that something I shouldn't worry about?
Alk 8.6, calcium 450, mag 1450. Dosing red sea bottles.
Sorry if this is all over the place. I'm posting from my phone, and the textbox isn't very easy to view as I type. Lol